Home Forums WoodMart support forum I am not able to change the color of my mobile menu placement and footer

I am not able to change the color of my mobile menu placement and footer

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  • #635224


    Dear Xtemos,

    Please help, I am not able to change the color of my mobile menu placement . I want to use my choice of color but it is showing only black color. Please attach the file of mobile menu placement. and I have cnaged the colour of footer but diffrent pages show diffrent colour

    Please guide me step by step.

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    01. To change the mobile menu background color, Please add below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Custom CSS for mobile:

    div.mobile-nav.wd-side-hidden.wd-side-hidden-nav.wd-left.wd-opener-arrow.color-scheme-light.wd-opene {
    	background-color: #1485dc;

    02. To change the footer background color, Go to Theme Settings > Footer > Footer and you can change the background color as well: https://prnt.sc/L3kc16Romj3Y

    Best Regards

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