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Filter after search not working

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  • #637299

    If I try any filter after searching for products, the page is broken. Screen recording is here:https://limewire.com/d/1f50892e-18c6-4012-9ebf-cd8e2f812b45#JvnRDRlwKTnuDlh2J7T-XlmFsTRAIUzdXZOyv3NE7BA


    Hung Pham

    Hi phoenixfurniturestudio,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    You should deactivate all plugins (except WoodMart Core, Elementor and WooCommerce Plugins) and then reactivate them one by one. This makes it very easy to isolate the plugin causing problems.



    I have tried deactivating all the plugins (except WoodMart Core, Elementor and WooCommerce Plugins) and I still get the same error with them all deactivated.


    Hung Pham

    Hi phoenixfurniturestudio,

    Please, confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, and switching to the parent/default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable it all back.


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