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WpBakery 5.5 incompatible with woodmart

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  • #64070


    Hey there,
    Latest js composer plugin is not fully compatible with your theme.
    For ex: if i activate the performance tab -> Combine JS files then all the page are blank and have js error 404 in console.
    I revert to the previous version until you find a fix.
    Please check this asap since i used php 7.2 and the vers 5.5 has fixes for this php vers.



    WP Bakery Page Builder has released the update in the result script conflict has occurred. Now we are working on it and this issue will be fixed in the nearest update in 3-5 days.
    Meanwhile please get back to the previous version of WP Bakery Page Builder. For this purpose login your Themeforest account and take the plugin in the theme folder.

    Best Regards



    Yes i will use the old version of wp bakery. I just wanted to let you know regarding this issue.
    Ok until you find a fix i have 1 more issue regarding menu & a question regarding Ajax product tabs.

    1. Ajax product tabs: can the products images have same size like in shop?
    2. I have an issue with mobile on chrome, i’ve tested this also on your website and is present. When you scroll up somehow the chrome tab comes over the search and all the menu items if you press are lower than the original position.
    I’ll leave you the videos so you can understand.
    Thanks for your support and waiting for your answer.



    1. What page are these tabs on? Please provide URL

    2. Please provide your site URL and admin access.

    Best Regards



    Thanks all the info below.



    1. Enter each tab and switch to Design Tab and find this design http://prntscr.com/jxpsjz In order to make all the images of the same size, navigate to Appearance > Customize > Product image and configure

    2. Not sure I have understood your idea in full. Default menu has three rows. When you scroll, one row remains as this is a sticky header and it should work this way. You can change this in Header Builder and make each row sticky. If this is not what you mean, try to give more details step by step.

    Best Regards



    Hey again.
    1. I’ve done what you told me but the products images are not in box (same way as shop)

    2. I don’t know how to explain so you can understand that is the reason i’ve made 2 videos.
    The idea is the on chrome mobile – the search sometimes goes behind the chrome header (where the url is) and browser thinks that menu starts from Home. If you press home for ex it will go blog instead (Based on your demo) and so on. Check the start of both videos and maybe you will understand.
    On short sometimes if you scroll up and down the menu bugs somehow.



    I have tested again

    https://gyazo.com/d8a0cc7f3b40b48eb10ee903d168fadb I scroll and header become a stick header as it should what is wrong here?

    https://gyazo.com/55a6a3c8846d950033e31e16f5177b52 I open a mobile menu, and scroll what is wrong in my video?

    https://gyazo.com/49a75487bf71f493268492c972d8d2c9 I scrolled the header and opened menu what is wrong on my video?

    Best Regards



    The issue is only on mobile chrome. I will post later another video.



    So … i record my display again.
    My customers told me that is something wrong with mobile menu sometimes but like you will see you need some scrolling to replicate.
    Hope this time you will understand what i am referring to.
    All the best.


    Bogdan Donovan


    This situation is quite difficult to reproduce since usually, users will not scroll the screen while selecting the mobile menu item. The behavior of the mobile menu indicated by you is caused by Chrome overlapping browser navigation, which, unfortunately, we can not change or adjust using the CSS of the code of our theme.

    Best Regards



    Short question, does this work as A quick fix:

    – delete the Standard Version (5.5) of WP Bakery
    – Install the Old one who’s coming with h the Theme

    Or is this not reminded (for example the 5.5 has done some Database Changes or something like that)?


    Artem Temos

    We suggest you wait for the next theme update. It will be released tonight.

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