it looks like you use the template from Gutenberg, I suggest you replace the Cart element with the [woocommerce_cart]
shortcode and then recheck the issue with the color.
In general, you can adjust those buttons via Theme Settings -> Styles and colors -> Buttons.
ACCENT BUTTONS. Buttons that are directly related to the WooCommerce purchase functionality. For example:
Sign up (https://prnt.sc/1msxyp0)
Post comment (https://prnt.sc/1mszh16)
Accept (Cookies) (https://prnt.sc/1mt08xk)
Add to cart (https://prnt.sc/1mstug0)
Proceed to checkout (https://prnt.sc/1msv4gk)
Return to shop (https://prnt.sc/1mswl7f)
DEFAULT BUTTONS. All others, such as WooCommerce, supported plugins, and theme options buttons that are not included in the above category, and those buttons that do not have their own button settings. For example:
Filter (https://prnt.sc/1mt34qf)
View cart (https://prnt.sc/1mt3r1j)
Login (https://prnt.sc/1mt418f)
Update (https://prnt.sc/1mt4lsk)
All theme settings button options are related to the buttons that didn’t have own style and color settings and not related to the page builder “Button” element that have own style, color, size, shape, icon and hover options (Button element demo page https://woodmart.xtemos.com/buttons/).
Kind Regards