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Order by filter in mobile

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  • #641196


    In mobile, the filter of order by, the options are transparent https://prnt.sc/dKyw0CVXNlmn

    How can we solve it, I saw the same issue in other website that Im using woodmart too.



    Please add this code in Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Custom CSS for mobile.

    .woocommerce-ordering.wd-ordering-mb-icon select option {
        color: black;
        background-color: #f8f7f7;

    Best Regards,



    I added this to my custom CSS

    (max-width: 768.98px) {
    .woocommerce-ordering.wd-ordering-mb-icon select option {
    color: black;
    background-color: #f8f7f7;



    You didn’t need to use media queries. Instead, you can add the following code directly in the Mobile Section under Theme Settings > Custom CSS:

    So I have checked your site, and it is now working fine. Please review it on your end, and let me know if you need any further assistance.

    Best Regards,



    I added your code only in mobile, and in tablet wasn’t solved. I don’t think its appropiate to add the same code in mobile and in tablet, I prefer to add it one time with a media query.



    I have checked your site and it is showing fine.
    See Screenshot for clarification: https://ibb.co/ccYP614C

    Check back your site after completely clearing the browser cache and check the issue.

    Best Regards,

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