Home Forums WoodMart support forum After upload Woodard demo content, the site is not as yours

After upload Woodard demo content, the site is not as yours

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  • #642137


    I installed your Woodmart Theme.
    When i look the pubished pages, something is ok, but the most parts seems to be out of order and totally different from your original demo.
    I try to find out how to create the Child theme (perhaps is the cause of the issue) but I can’t find it looking into the stuff i downloaded to install the theme.
    Here below some screenshots of how the site appears. Please look to your site here: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/home/ and you can notice the differences. Look for example at category menu items (opening menu voices), or about us page…
    Looking into the HTML_bloks I can see that they’re not made with several widgets but only with the text editor widget, image are missing.
    I’ve already used the wood mart theme for other site, and Menu Category html books were made using all Elementor widget. Looking at them in Elementorr I can see that are mede almost all in text editor only (nor images

    I didn’t set any CSS variation or similar.

    Thanks a lot.

    • This topic was modified 21 hours, 16 minutes ago by supergap.
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    perhaps I found the possible issue.
    Looking at previous installation of WoodMart (and its demo contents) in previous purchase I notice that now quite al HTML_bloks are like flat. I try to explain better. In previous the installation every HTML_Block was made with column/rows and so on (please look t attached pic token from and old WoodMart installation). Now they come with ‘text editor widget’ only, like they are before transformed in wordpress editor files. In fact most of them don’t come with Elementor sign (look at the picture attached), as it happens trying to edit a WP normal page or post (not created with Elementor). So to better explain, same html-book items (from year 2017) are (in this last installation) imported with demo content not as Elementor file but in a sort of flat mode. So they can’t be edited and worse they destroy site layout.

    About Child-theme, I think I installed and activate it now.

    THANKS again.

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    Thank you for reaching out. The issue is that the demo content might not have been imported correctly, or some elements were imported in a different format than expected.

    Please try to deactivate the third-party plugins and import the demo again.

    Note that our dummy content works only on a fresh installation. If you have some content already it will conflict with your existing posts and most of the content will not be imported correctly.

    If the issue remains, try to Increase the “PHP Max Input Vars” parameter to 10000 or higher in your PHP configuration and import the demo again.

    If the issue still remains let us know I will check and import the demo on your site.

    Best Regards,

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