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Subtotal calculation, Button style, Title in navigation, Shipping Tab

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  • #64241



    I’ve got a few issues that need help:
    – Subtotal won’t change according to new quantity (image “subtotal and button style”)
    – I have 2 button styles (same as above image)
    – Post titles in navigation are just too small. How to increase the size? (image 2)
    – Product description tabs have been translated except Shipping & Delivery (image 3)

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    Hello again,

    Somehow after updating to 2.6, my child theme became isolated. There was a problem (internet connection issue) with the update.

    Attached is a functions.php which is supposed to be in my child theme. That Continue reading, Continue Shopping and View Cart are “too tough” for Loco translate.

    Account info is in previous post.

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    I do not understand do you want to translate some phrases with Loco? You do not need touch function files at all.

    Just go to Loco > Plugin/theme > search the phrase and translate. If that is not what you need please explain the problem in more details.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,

    Sorry for the slow response.

    I have 4 questions at post no. #64241. Please pay more attention to it because it’s more important.

    As with post no. #64252, I followed the Woodmart documentation – step by step and double check – but the phrases: Continue Shopping and View Cart didn’t change although I tried to translate them with Loco Translate -> themes -> Woodmart and Plugins -> Woocommerce.

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    1. You need to update cart after changing quantity http://prntscr.com/jyqnsb

    2. “Title too small” Please provide the page URL

    3. Shipping and Delivery – navigate to the Theme Settings > Product page > Tabs and change the title there.

    4. Not clrear what do you mean “I have 2 button styles (same as above image)” please provide more details.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,

    It’s nice support from you. Thank you.
    There was some slow response in my hosting server that made things complicated.

    I realized that the way I describe things made you confused. So this time I’ll try to make it clearer:

    1. Typography – image “font size”
    Could you provide “Font Size” option for fonts to use with posts/products? They’re currently pretty small with Cormorant Garamond 17px – Medium 500.

    2. Yoast SEO – image “no yoast seo 1 & 2”
    I use this plugin everyday and it works with every other theme i have, but it doesn’t with Woodmart. Is there some conflict between Woodmart and Yoast SEO? I need both Page setting (Custom meta box from theme) and Yoast.

    3. Category page description – image “category page 1 & 2”
    To prevent duplicated content, I intend to use category pages to list my products rather than making a new page. However, i need category page description section to appear AFTER products. Could you make an option for this?

    My best regards.

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    1. You will have to customize with CSS. Please provide pages URL and list of titles or texts with font size you need I will provide custom CSS.

    2. Our theme is compatible with Yoast Seo, and I see plugin fields clearly in my testing environment. Try to deactivate all the third parties plugins not related to the theme and check. In order to distinguish which plugins relate to the theme and which do not, deactivate them all and then navigate to Appearance > Install plugins and activate all in the list.

    3. Category page description – no, unfortunately, there is no option in WooCommerce.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,

    It’s nice to have you. Coding makes me paralyzed, so I need your help to increase the font-size of those marked in attached screenshots.
    Home page: https://remminhphat.vn/
    Cart page: https://remminhphat.vn/gio-hang/
    Post page: https://remminhphat.vn/thiet-ke/chon-rem-cua-so-phong-ngu-nho/

    Thank you.

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    Please use this code:

    /*product title*/
    .product-grid-item .product-title a, .product-title a{
    /*shopping cart*/
    td.product-name a{
    /*widget title*/
    .widget_products .product_list_widget li .product-title{
    .single-post-navigation .blog-posts-nav-btn a {

    You will need to change 20px to the value as per your needs and add this code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your help, Elise!

    Good day!


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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