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Product images limit

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  • #642895



    I encountered the following problem: I added about 45 photos to a product, and the category where this product is located simply wouldn’t open. Until I deleted some photos, reducing the total to around 25, the category just wouldn’t work or load. Please advise on how to resolve this issue.

    Best Regards



    Please share the URL of the category page that is not loading. I have checked all the categories listed on the homepage, and they are loading fine. This will help me investigate the issue further and provide a better solution.

    Best Regards,




    Please add 20-30 more photos to the product in addition to the ones already added, and open the category for a better understanding of the issue. (I have added the link to the product and category).

    I cannot leave the bug as the website is still in development.

    Best Regards



    I have checked your site with a product that has 30 uploaded images, and it is loading fine. It’s possible that the issue was related to a temporary server resource limitation or caching.

    Here is a video for clarification: https://uploadnow.io/f/xq3vrxl

    Check back your site and check the issue.

    Best Regards,

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