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The content is displayed incorrectly

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  • #644219


    I have 2 questions.
    1 – For some reason, the content on page 404 goes under the header (attached a screenshot 1)
    2 – Category output widget, displays incorrect data. There is a clear nested structure and the widget displays all categories without nesting in the parent categories. (attached a screenshot 2)

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    Hung Pham

    Hi Chingiz,

    Thanks for reaching to us and appreciate your patience.

    1. Please add the below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global CSS section:

    .error404 .whb-sticky-prepared .whb-main-header {
        position: relative;

    2. Your question is a bit unclear to me. Please describe in more details or or your desired goal, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns in a more efficient.




    Hi Hung,

    2. Your question is a bit unclear to me. Please describe in more details or or your desired goal, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns in a more efficient.

    I will describe using the example of the category “Ferrous metal products” (taxonomy=product_cat&tag_ID=17) this is the parent category and it has child categories (tag_ID=196 and tag_ID=2794) (I attach screenshot 1). For some reason, they are not displayed in the Product Categories widget (I attach screenshot 2).

    However, if I remove the selection from the “Hide empty categories” checkbox (attach screenshot 3), then I get the result that I expect from the Product Categories widget (attach screenshot 4), but I don’t need empty categories, so I set the checkbox, but the parent category disappears in the widget and as a result I get an incorrect structure categories.

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