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Mobile DOM optimization (experimental) – does not work

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  • #647860


    We have the feature turned on and enabled “Mobile DOM optimization”. We created a test page and the mobile version is not displayed . I also tried clearing the cache and disabling plugins. This function does not work at all. I’ve tried everything.

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    Luke Nielsen


    The “Mobile DOM optimization” option is related to the Header.

    The “Mobile version HTML Block” is a separate option, which works if you have enabled the “Separate cache for mobile devices” in the WP Rocket settings. So make sure that it’s enabled and let me know.

    Kind Regards



    I am sending you a response from WP rocket support: “The mobile cache is enabled by default, right upon activating WP Rocket.” It is not possible to enable it separately: “Separate cache for mobile devices”. It is enabled automatically.

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