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Page heading on Product pages

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  • #65372


    Hi there,

    I have two questions:

    1) I can not find how to change the page heading in the product detail page. I have top bar, menu bar (page header) and right below it starts the product description with sidebar. I’d like to have it same as with categories (full width bar with product name)

    2) How can I change size of image on product listings in the category? I’d like to have list (not grid) but images are too big…


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    In order to configure the page heading, you need enter the Shop page editing mode and set the image or background color http://prntscr.com/k0qxzg

    These setting will be applied to shop page/ category page / product page.

    In order to configure an image, navigate to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Image

    Also, you can try options in Theme Settings > Shop > Product grid http://prntscr.com/k0rajg

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    thanks for a quick answer. However not sure what you mean by “shop page editing mode”. I expect it’s the page where I edit the product – if I go to edit the product and scroll down, there is no settings you mention.

    Thank you,

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    Regarding to the second answer, I set the width of thumbnail to 100px in the Woocommerce > Product images but the image in the list still stays 300x300px.

    So unfortunately no answer helped me yet, thanks for looking into it.

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    1. Regarding product page heading. Sorry for confusing there is no heading in the product page. Please send me the screenshot what you meant

    2. Please provide your site admin access.

    Best Regards




    1. Screenshot attached – I just like to have same heading in Product detail as it is on e-shop home or Category list: http://new3.agenturafristenska.cz/kategorie-produktu/babiccin-kalendar/

    Here is how it is now in Product detail, not being able to add the (orange) header and title: http://new3.agenturafristenska.cz/kategorie-produktu/babiccin-kalendar/

    2. SOLVED. I believe there is something wrong with your settings of Flex in the products list. I’ve set images to 150px, regenerated thumbnails etc but still it in list it made pictures 300px wide. Custom css in theme child helped:

    .product-list-item .product-element-top { flex: 0 0 150px; -ms-flex: 0 0 150px; }

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    Oh sorry, here is correct attachement to 1)

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    I just like to have the same heading in Product detail as it is on e-shop home

    Unfortunately, there is no option to make the header on the product page.

    Best Regards

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