I have a problem with safari on MAC and safari on iPad.
At contact us 3 demo
When I remove google map section. The remaining section is blurred and I can’t see them. If I click on another tab and click back to current tab, it displays normally.
Could you help me to check it.
You can try to create a new page and add content from contact us 3.
I have another problem. If I enable parallax for the background, it doesn’t display on iPad Pro (I think 10,5″) horizontally. Vertically it displays normally. Everything is fine on other iPad, Macbook.
yours is iPad Air Simulator. If you can, please test it on a real iPad Pro. I also have tested on real iPad Air, there’s no problem. The problem occurs only on iPad Pro in landscape mode. In portrait is still fine.
Try to edit this row and change background size from cover to theme default. If it will not help, please, record some video since we don’t have iPad Pro to test now. http://prntscr.com/l3l179