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my main link is also not dead 😉 i only wanted the reaction of the arrow in the right to be on the whole area ( from Begining till the arrow end, look at my screenshot), because it´s a little bit annoying when you click beside the arrow right, the menu closes.

If it would be on the whole button, it would be better for usability.
My Menu is a 3 levels dropdown menu, and the arrow is sometimes annoying.
I know that you used the arrow for dropdown and opening the subcategory, because the user can read the titles better 😉

I´m dreaming of this theme already… I must say your Woodmart Theme Rockz ( and you also ), and thanks for the help so far, didn´t have so much help with other themes purchased in the past ♡.

One new question, how to style the load more button ( example used in products ( grid or caroussel ), i need it in Background #1A1A1A with white fonts. I was searching and i didn´t find it…

Have a nice day

Best Regards