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Issue on product hover

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  • #89514


    Please find the attached image. On hover, some product variants shows correctly and others as in text. I need them either on a dropdown or all product variants as images as the first two variants shown in the attached image.

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    First of all, enter the product and make sure you have added images to all variations. Next, navigate to Products > Attributes > Configure items and insert colors in each item.

    Best Regards



    I have all product variants in tact. just see the attachment, in the bottom part all the variants are visible, but while hover, only few variant images are showing up, for rest of the variants only text is visible not images


    Artem Temos

    Please, provide us your admin access so we can login and check this on your side. And send us a direct link where we can see this problem.

    Thank you in advance.



    Please do the needful



    You have not enabled the swatches on the color items http://prntscr.com/liqjao and http://prntscr.com/liqke4

    Navigate to Products -> Attributes -> Color -> Configure iterms, enable swatch as shown http://prntscr.com/jskm29

    Best Regards



    This is the product variants available all product variant images fetches correctly https://prnt.sc/lj00un after hovering and clicking on select options on the product thumbnail first product variant image fetches correctly,(variant name is black black bag image is showing up not colour. Mean time even though the variant images are available it is showing the text not images. eg: Instead of sky blue bag image it is showing sky blue) https://prnt.sc/lj00zr



    The issue is not clear. Problem # 1 – attribute swatches were displayed incorrectly, now they are ok http://prntscr.com/lj3kcj

    I choosing color no text appears.

    Please explain

    Best Regards

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