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Card page and checkout page missing

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  • #93453


    Dear xtemos support team,
    I have some problem in woodmart theme. I install all default and active all plugin and also dummy content but card page card page , checkout page and wishlist page are missing because when i click checkout page and view card page then redirect to my home page. What’s wrong?



    My admin panel



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Create the pages accordingly. Add the shortcodes as follows:

    shopping cart [woocommerce_cart]

    checkout [woocommerce_checkout]

    wishlist [yith_wcwl_wishlist]

    Navigate to Woocommerce > Settings > Advanced and set the pages.

    Then navigate to Wishlist plugin and set the Wishlist page there.

    Best Regards



    I didn’t mean it.I mean it that page is missing…When i find that pages i don’t find pages..Card page,checkout page,and wishlisht page.



    What do you mean “page is missing…”
    If you do not have the pages, you need to create them and configure in the settings as I told above.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for response, when i first active woodmart them on another domain then all pages are perfectly installed but now card , checkout and wishlist pages are misssing, Why? please visit my admin panel and hit the card or checkout option then you can see nothing happen only redirect to home page. When install first time then all pages was perfect. please help me , do you have any system to install custom pages on my theme?



    You can reinstall all from scratch and install again to get these pages.

    Just create them as described above.

    Best Regards



    how to mega zoom on product image hover. like this website: http://bdlatestnews.ga/product/cannabis-oil/
    Please help me.



    Navigate to the Theme Settings > Product Page > Images and enable the option http://prntscr.com/lqro4g

    You need to upload big images in to the products.

    Best Regards

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