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Dear Bogdan…
Thank You for helping..
I have done all that You suggest, but that just doesn’t work.. The first problem happens again..
This is my product category page http://prntscr.com/p3jm0x
And this is my product page http://prntscr.com/p3jm9d

Have I done it wrong? Or, do I miss something?

And, do I need to use this too? https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/you-have-activated-your-purchase-code-more-than-3-times-you-are-allowed-to-do-t/page/2/#post-45081
Because I didn’t use it.
But I applied https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/need-help-5/#post-104937

However, the results are just not same with olhut.com although I think that everything on furniturerotansintetis.com is same with olhut.com.

I am sorry.. But…, just for Your information, if I am not making any mistake, it seems that adding this additional code to my child theme files that You provide me for “olhut.com” in the following post is the main cause that makes my site has strange look. But, I don’t it for sure. However, I think I have applied all Your suggestion. (https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/you-have-activated-your-purchase-code-more-than-3-times-you-are-allowed-to-do-t/#post-44948).

Please help..

Thank You very much…