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It can’t be, talked with the server support and they said its not on their site, i need a fix for this, because the lazy loading and all the performance options in your theme worked perfectly before, and now they are still activated but when i test the site on gtmetrix its like those options are not activated at all .. a lot of requests, and looks like the minifing not working at all.
When i load the site, a proper lazy loading will load the site immediatly and after that load image after image, but now when i load the site i see a blank screen for 10 seconds and after that the site is fully loaded, so the lazy loading is not working,
I need your help here, I already check with the hosting support and they are not working ..
How you can tell this is a server problem if you didnt even requested my site information and check the code yourself ?
I have 6 months support here, i really like your theme but it looks like the issue is coming from the theme options ..
Hoping for a quick reply, thanks