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Hi Aizaz,

We have updated the theme & associated plugins still we faced the same concern for which we are asking for. Now the theme is updated to 4.3.0. as per your suggestion & while doing this we have observed that we need to do the theme update manually whereas in other themes we WP admin get theme update notification on the dashboard.

As we provided credentials to you we have observed that you changed the theme from child theme to the parent theme.

Meanwhile, while update the theme an email has been shoot to the client However updating the theme didn’t resolve the issue.


Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.

In this case, WordPress caught an error with your theme, Woodmart.

First, visit your website (https://demo.eldereaseindia.com/) and check for any visible issues. Next, visit the page where the error was caught (https://demo.eldereaseindia.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php) and check for any visible issues.

Please contact your host for assistance with investigating this issue further.

If your site appears broken and you can’t access your dashboard normally, WordPress now has a special “recovery mode”. This lets you safely login to your dashboard and investigate further.


To keep your site safe, this link will expire in 1 day. Don’t worry about that, though: a new link will be emailed to you if the error occurs again after it expires.

Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 1438 of the file /home1/t0z7s0k8/demo.eldereaseindia.com/wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/admin/settings/shop.php. Error message: Call to undefined function woodmart_compare_available_fields()

Please suggest.

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