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I attach an image of how my swatches are displayed with Getwooplugin. In fact I would need to control:
– Size and shape of the swatch (actually 70 px square with rounded corners and hover effect)
– Display of the tooltip
– Size and shape of the second attribute (length) to look like a button

Maybe you could just give me the classes concerned for me to do some tests.

The main problem remains the immediate display of the large version of the image in the main area when you click on the color swatch. With your feature when you click on the color icon nothing happens until you select the second attribute (length). From a users point of view you think that your click has not been taken into account and you cannot take a closer look at the selected color before chosing the size. Isn’t there a way to immediately display the large version of the color swatch juste after clicking on it ?

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