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As I already told you that you have not translated all the attributes and products in both language that is why it is creating the issue for you. I have added the new translated attribute to this product: http://woodev.scarlet-products.de/produkt/gil-herren-lederjacke-elegant-rider-mit-einsteck-brusttasche-feinstes-leder-klassisch-vintage-retro-motorrad-farbe-schwarz/ now the black color is showing fine in this product as well. Because this black color attribute is translated in both languages also the product is translated in both languages.

So please ask the plugin author support to give you the easy and possible solution to translate all the the added attributes and products in both languages.

You can check the above product as well which is perfectly showing the attributes swatches. Also, enable the swatch for every attribute from here: http://prnt.sc/ri8o9c

Best Regards.