Home Forums Basel support forum Basel: fix CSS to make Sticky Header backgrond to switch to black Reply To: Basel: fix CSS to make Sticky Header backgrond to switch to black



You home page and other pages have the overlap header, it is transparent and then gets black with the white text.

All the woocommerce tamplates have the header above the content. So this code is for all woocommerce template:

body.woocommerce .sticky-header.act-scroll {
    background-color: yellow;
body.woocommerce .sticky-header.act-scroll {
    background-color: yellow;
body.woocommerce  .sticky-header.act-scroll .menu>li.current-menu-item>a{

body.woocommerce  .sticky-header.act-scroll .menu > li > a{
body.woocommerce  .sticky-header.act-scroll .menu > li > a:after{

body.woocommerce .sticky-header.act-scroll .menu > li > a:hover{
body.woocommerce .sticky-header.act-scroll .right-column > .search-button a{
    color: red;
body.woocommerce .sticky-header.act-scroll .right-column>div>a {
    color: red;

Remove the previous code and set the colors as per your needs.

Best Regards