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Firstly thanx for your quick responses maybe I should’ve told you what all I want before, but I thought this was simple css content thing so I only asked you the color thing. But it seems a bit interesting.
Please see the jpg and link
1-What I m trying to achieve is this, as you can see on the attached jpg. Idle ones with FontAwesome’s not filled icons, and hover ones with inside filled icons (for shopping cart I couldnt find not filled icon so for idle I ve chosen a cart, for hover I ve chosen another cart but with plus sign in it). So for wishlist icons mouse over works with css content thingy, no problem. But when it comes to shopping cart, it doesnt work. it only changes the color but not content. On Custom css my css code at the moment as this: PLEASE HELP THANX:

.wishlist-info-widget>a span{font-weight:600;}

.shopping-cart .subtotal-divider{color:#0099ff;content:’=’;font-size:145%;}

.right-column>div a, .right-column>div ul li a{color:#ff0000;content:”\f07a”;font-family:FontAwesome;}

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