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1. Yes, you can change the layout of the product page width from Theme Settings >> Product page >> Change the layout of the Product page and also set the full width page by enabling the Full width product page option. Please see the screenshot: http://prnt.sc/sqhwse

2. If you want to say that the picture should come first above the short description and product title then you should use the below given custom CSS code:

.single-product .product-images-inner {
    left: 25%;
.single-product .row.product-image-summary-inner .col-lg-6.col-12.col-md-6.product-images {
    flex: 0 0 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
.single-product .col-lg-6.col-12.col-md-6.summary.entry-summary {
    flex: 0 0 100%;
    max-width: 100%;

3. Can you please share the product URL where the H2 font size is smaller than the H3 font size so I will check and solve the issue. Also, send me the screenshot of the issue for better understanding.

Best Regards.