Home Forums WoodMart support forum Dokan Multi-Vendor wont work with Woodmart theme but will work with Astra? Reply To: Dokan Multi-Vendor wont work with Woodmart theme but will work with Astra?


Bogdan Donovan


The only changes that we made in Dokan mobile dashboard menu via our theme style its menu item width (from two column to one column) and default orange Dokan colour were changed to theme dynamic primary colour.

Our theme didn’t change any functionality of Dokan dashboard menu. When Dokan menu page is open its current menu item marked with active class. Active class is added only when following menu page is loaded (https://prnt.sc/sticcp) and when you select another page – active class will be removed from the previous item and added to next item only when its page will be opened (https://prnt.sc/stipwj).

All styles classes that indicate that menu item is active and the general menu functionality is provided by Dokan plugin and cant be changes by out theme.

Menu item selection in Woodmart theme – https://gyazo.com/a80960ffaf624672dd6e104c5b338a03
Menu item selection in default theme – https://gyazo.com/9e96f1f33a34b34dbbf086175d72ecad
