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Artem Temos


Thank you for the question.

Unfortunately there is no such option in our theme. But as a solution you try to add the following code to your child theme to make it work as you want (show color circles only on shop page)

function basel_has_swatches( $id, $attr_name, $options, $available_variations, $swatches_use_variation_images = false ) {
	$swatches = array();

	if( is_singular('product') ) return array();

	foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
		$swatch = basel_has_swatch($id, $attr_name, $value);

		if( ! empty( $swatch ) ) {

			if( $swatches_use_variation_images && basel_get_opt( 'grid_swatches_attribute' ) == $attr_name ) {

				$variation = basel_get_option_variations( $attr_name, $available_variations, $value );

				$swatch = array_merge( $swatch, $variation);

			$swatches[$key] = $swatch;

	return $swatches;

Kind regards,