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I come back to you again and confirm that the pre-loading is not working properly. When opening a page, a slight shift of the elements is formed (carousel arrows & Product color attributes). It disappears when you minimize and then maximize the page or by lowering the zoom and then increasing it again.

Here are 3 screenshots to help you understand. You can see that on the product carousel, the color attributes are not fully displayed. We can also see that on the blog article carousel, the arrows are not at the same distance.

Its elements are correctly put back in their place by carrying out the manipulations explained above.

PS: I tried to change the general layout (Width of the site) but it didn’t change anything. I currently use full width content.

I have now disabled the preload function and the items are displayed correctly again.

I know it’s still a beta version. So I’m not going to use it for the moment. While waiting for a correction of the current version.

I thank you

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