Home Forums WoodMart support forum CSS code for better positioning the filter elements on (some) mobiles Reply To: CSS code for better positioning the filter elements on (some) mobiles



Hello again,

Thank you for your reply. The code you provided DOES change the looks of the form on the desktop version alone (see image attached) – however, I would like it to look like that between 369 and 436px only. I have also tried adding your code using media queries, like:

@media only screen and (min-width: 369px) and (max-width: 436px)  {	
  body .woodmart-product-filters .woodmart-pf-checkboxes {
    flex: 1 1 100%;
    width: 0;

However, if I try it like this, nothing changes. Thank you again for your effort, I appreciate every reply.

kind Regards,

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