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2. This purpose is not clear enough. Please provide the page URL and what menu you want to change and how.
– I want to have this menu for any dropdown menu on my website
Current view for mobile user : https://prnt.sc/x5n92t
the view I want to have : https://prnt.sc/x5n6qh, when people click to select a model
options will appear as a pop-up at bottom of the page.

Note: someshow I have dropdown menu view I want to have for <a
href=”https://versaven.com/product-category/galaxy/&#8221; rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>category > galaxy. if you visit via mobile phone and change the phone model you will understand what I mean

3. What is the Case type? Is it a product you are going to sell? Please provide more details.
– Yes, this is the type of product.
Current Menu: https://prnt.sc/x5mz5b
Menu I want to have for mobile user https://prnt.sc/x5mle0 when people click to select case
type these 2 option will appear as a pop-up at bottom of the page.

Best Regards