Home Forums WoodMart support forum The Header logos and Widgets = Image elements have no explicit width and heigh Reply To: The Header logos and Widgets = Image elements have no explicit width and heigh


Artem Temos

You have 0 width for your product categories https://prnt.sc/10ai8ro
It is set in your Customizer options here http://prntscr.com/10ai8gm
As for the height attribute, put the following code snippet to the functions.php file in your child theme to add it

function woodmart_category_thumb_double_size( $category ) {
		$small_thumbnail_size  	= apply_filters( 'subcategory_archive_thumbnail_size', 'woocommerce_thumbnail' );
		$dimensions    			= wc_get_image_size( $small_thumbnail_size );
		$thumbnail_id  			= get_term_meta( $category->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true  );
		$attr_height 			= '';
		if( woodmart_loop_prop( 'double_size' ) ) {
			$small_thumbnail_size = 'woodmart_shop_catalog_x2';
			$dimensions['width'] *= 2;
			if ( $dimensions['height'] ) {
				$dimensions['height'] *= 2;
			$attr_height = 'height="' . esc_attr( $dimensions['height'] ) . '"';
		if ( $thumbnail_id ) {
			$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id, $small_thumbnail_size  );
			$image = $image[0];
		} else {
			$image = wc_placeholder_img_src();
		if ( $image ) {
			// Prevent esc_url from breaking spaces in urls for image embeds
			// Ref: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23605
			$image = str_replace( ' ', '%20', $image );
			echo apply_filters('woodmart_attachment', '<img src="' . esc_url( $image ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( $category->name ) . '" width="' . esc_attr( $dimensions['width'] ) . '" ' . $attr_height . ' />', $thumbnail_id, $small_thumbnail_size );

As for the logo image and brands, we will add attributes to them in our next theme update.