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1.1) How can I remove unnecessary fields when placing an order? I work in the same city and I don’t need them. You need to remove the fields: “Company name”, “Country”, “State / province”, “City”, “Postal code”. And I need to remove the same fields from the “Addresses” page in the user’s account (https://demo38.ipixstudio.ru/my-account/edit-address/billing/ https://demo38.ipixstudio.ru/my-account/edit-address/shipping/)
1.2) How do I style a “Privacy Policy” link like “Terms and Conditions”? On hover green

2) Users with Russian logins cannot register on the new user registration page. How to make the login (username) in Cyrillic?
3) How do I change the color of the privacy warning?
4) How to style the “authorize” button like the “register” button?