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Hello Luke,

4. I hope you have really gone through the 4th point also (regarding Option Presets), and have forwarded to the dev team too. I wish they will surely consider something and sooner. This will really ease a lot, to work with it. And customers will take interest to use it too.


In addition to that, If someone tries to search by ID…

Can you please suggest on this. As this seems a bug or issue. And until this gets resolved, how can one identify and search for page, product by ID

5. Initially, while after Theme and Demo content installation, I found that the Page Title BG color and BG image was already added in Theme options > Page Title. And I let them, as it is, in order for it show for All newly created pages automatically.

Now, point is-
5.a. For few pages and posts, I want to set the Page or Post Title BG Color to OFF, for few I want to set Page or Post Title BG image to OFF, for few both to OFF, but want to still keep the Title TEXT. And mix and match all these for Pages and posts.

I could not find the standalone option to do that on and for each Page and post separately, from their respective Edit pages.
Even though, when there is NO BG color or BG image selected for any New pages-posts, those still gets populated from Theme Settings (Global options). And ofcourse I do not want to Disable that Globally.

5.b. I found that the only way is to use the Preset options to Disable each of Page title BG color and BG image, each for individual pages-posts.
But for that we have to create separate Preset options for each page-post, depending upon rule or condition. (say, if have other rules too)

Think of a scenario, when we want to set different rules for 30 different Pages-posts. In that case Preset options is Not an ideal choice. And Not easy to do that too.
What if there will be 100 pages-posts or 250 or more, for which we need to define such rules (or even other rules).
One cannot maintain 250+ Presets in the list of Option Presets, and that is true for anybody.
It is not even easy to Add even 20-30+ pages (by ID), in a Single Preset, Nor it is an ideal solution.

An Ideal and easy solution (atleast for these settings or for those settings, that can be added while Editing of Per Page or Post or Per product page)
5.c. Please Add the ON-OFF button besides each option separately – BG color, as well as, BG Image
So that we can Disable the BG color or BG Image or both, for each Page or Post separately too
Irrespective of what is set in Global settings – Theme options > Page Title
And with that, we do not have to do with Global settings, and do not have to create Presets from Option-Presets too, atleast just for this.

Representation of what shall be done – https://i2.paste.pics/FRC30.png

5.d. Similarly, options for a Page Title Custom size and Custom Color (other than Dark and light) to be added per page and post separately.
And an option for Page Design to be added for each Page and Product separately. (For Left, Center right)

Also, for Breadcrumbs, to Enable-Disable them per page or post basis.

PS: There are scenarios where one want to keep things Clean, and want to Disable the Breadcrumbs on few specific Page or posts (or want to show them somewhere else, but not at top or Above-th-Fold)


  • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by harshwe.