Home Forums WoodMart support forum Possibility to white label completely? Reply To: Possibility to white label completely?


Artem Temos


1. Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to do this

dd_action('admin_head', 'wd_admin_custom_css');

function wd_admin_custom_css() {
	echo '<style>
	a[data-id="white_label_section"], a[href="admin.php?page=xtemos_options&tab=white_label_section"], #wp-admin-bar-white_label_section {
		display: none !important;

2. You can customize this only by editing the file wp-content/plugins/woodmart-core/woodmart-core.php https://gyazo.com/1fd1accd6c23e555313b3e6c1c4003d0

Kind Regards