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Please find this code in the functions.php of the child theme:

    function() {
        return array(
            'images_slider' => woodmart_is_main_product_images_carousel(),
            'thumbs_slider' => array(
                'enabled'  => woodmart_is_product_thumb_enabled(),
                'position' => woodmart_get_opt( 'thums_position' ),
                'items'    => array(
                    'desktop'          => 7,
                    'tablet_landscape' => 7,
                    'tablet'           => 7,
                    'mobile'           => 7,
                    'vertical_items'   => 7,

and replace the code with this one:

	function() {
		return array(
			'thumbs_slider' => array(
				'items'    => array(
					'desktop'          => 7,
					'tablet_landscape' => 7,
					'tablet'           => 7,
					'mobile'           => 7,
					'vertical_items'   => 7,

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards