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We read the response that you get from Elementor and also checked their Video. But it seems that you missed out one of our earlier responses where we mentioned to you that the same Section that you have on your Site with Image Box element, we put it on our Test Site and there the Section was appearing completely fine. We also shared our Test Site URL with you. Here it is again: https://blackpearlspro.com/woodmart_support/

At the bottom of the Site, you will find the respective mentioned Section.

So, if there is an issue at the Theme level then the issue should’ve arised on our Test Site too but it isn’t that way. So, we would suggest you to once contact your Hosting Provider in this regard as the Elementor Support also suggested you to contact them for 403 Errors. So, ask them once if there is any sort of Cache, clear it completely and also look after the 403 Errors and then check back your Site.

Hopefully, they will help you out in this regard.

Best Regards