Home Forums WoodMart support forum Quickview: random 1px white border (always on the bottom border) Reply To: Quickview: random 1px white border (always on the bottom border)



We have checked all the products:

Det Kongelige Slott https://prnt.sc/-6IuZA_R5OYo
50 år for Akershus https://prnt.sc/OYbQo0vbbCfL
A New World – The History Of Immigration Into The United States https://prnt.sc/2oUJ13jkAm97
Benchmark: Three 20th Century Dictators https://prnt.sc/7gsnBq6jCHIc

We see the problem on one product only: “Benchmark: Three 20th Century Dictators”

The reason is the image has a different correlation of sides: https://gyazo.com/544efc6635128044d6bc0a201ea15f05

The height of the carousel is set taking into consideration the highest image.

There are two ways to solve this issue.

1. The most effective is to upload images of the same size and proportion.

2. You can cut the images with CSS:

.product-quick-view .owl-stage-outer {
	margin-bottom: -3px;

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards