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Regarding the Fonts related to Widgets, for some of the elements under the Widgets there are selectors available under the Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced: https://snipboard.io/pevF6O.jpg

So, you can select them and select font for them accordingly.

But for others right now there aren’t any predefined selectors defined. So, you will need to try out the following Custom CSS to style the other Widgets regarding their fonts all at once:

.sidebar-container .widget-area :is(.widget,.wd-widget,div[class^="vc_wp"]) :is(ul,ol) {
   font-size: 2em !important;
   font-family: 'hkgroteskpro' !important;

Location to paste Custom CSS, go to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section >> paste the CSS.

In the above told Custom CSS, you can write your own choice of font-size value and font-family name. These are exemplary values defined.

Hope this helps !

Best Regards.