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Firstly, thanks for sharing your suggestions with us. We appreciate that and will try to forward it to the Development Department to further consider for future updates.

But the thing here is, as you know there isn’t much space available under the Mobile view to adjust everything according to as per we want them to be because every content takes its own place and space and are adjusted in such a manner that there responsiveness might not effect with the design layout being used. Now, the change that you are asking regarding the Labels and Action buttons to move under the Price or Product Title isn’t possible eventually because of the fact that every content then needs to be made position absolute which makes them free from their parent containers and then every element position need to be made absolute and adjusted accordingly which might turn into a hectic & time consuming task and isn’t feasible for every one to act upon.

So, the alternative possibility here is to remove the Labels and Action buttons for the Mobile view on your Site which can be done with Custom CSS being applied.

So, to hide the Wishlist and other Action buttons for Mobile view, please try using the below Custom CSS code and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Custom CSS for the mobile section:

.product-grid-item .wd-buttons {
    display: none ;

And for the Labels removal, please try using the following Custom CSS at the same said location:

.product-labels.labels-rectangular {
    display: none ;

Hope this helps !

Best Regards