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Thanks for your reply!
But it seems that you don’t understand what my problem is.

Put it simply here:

1. I use [XTEMOS] Elements to build my website because I want everything sticking to your woodmart theme settings.

2. In my editing screen (https://prnt.sc/_niLHn6Th62p), you can see the words are in black color. However, when I go to see the actual footer outlook, the words are in grey color (https://prnt.sc/A9RF8WWDy-r6). Why is this happening?

3. I know there is a Style tab there (https://prnt.sc/7toT2m5GpATg). But, as you can see in the screenshot, all the elementor global color settings are not in use. I don’t want to touch that. I just want to stick to the woodmart theme settings.

So would you mind help to check why the colors are not the same from the editing area to the actual outlook?

  • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Orange.