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Hello, thank you for your answer.

I have synced the translator before and after making the change but it still doesn’t work.

I also have my language set up to my primary language Slovenian.

I allready had very similar issue with translating the word “addressess” to “Naslovi” in the account menu. I asked Xtemos support to try translating this for me and “magically” it worked! However this string got translated back to “addressess” for unknown reason after some time and despite my efforts I cannot change it back.

Please note, that I use Loco Translate A LOT! And so far it has been a great tool to translate different text without a problem. However there is some text that simply cannot get translated.

I’m providing you credidentials of my staging website. Please try translating:

– “Addressess” to “Naslovi” (Account menu)
– “Credit / debit card” to “Kreditna / Debetna kartica” (Checkout)

If you succeed, please let me know exactly how you did it, so I can do the same thing on my original website.

For further questions please don’t hesitate to write me.

Thank you.