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Hung Pham

Hi enrique.chala,

Thanks for details.

I tried to make changes few times but it doesn’t work, I still can’t access your site https://prnt.sc/nrECfuk_CoAA I also enabled debug log but no log file generated. Please check with your hosting again.

Meanwhile, please check below methods when I was able to access the dashboard:

1. The site url in Settings > General greyed out, which caused by constant code lines I answered before https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/header-logo-not-displayed-url-is-incomplete/#post-547856

2. I kindly recommend you to backup .htaccess file and use default content then, which can be found here https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/server/web-server/httpd/

Let me know how it goes.
