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Artem Temos


To fix the issue try to edit the file wp-content/plugins/woodmart-core/importer/class-wp-import.php and add the following code after the line $url = str_replace( 'http:', 'https:', $url ); as shown on the screenshot https://gyazo.com/5346a3735046082f80b6651c8452a7a6

if ( strpos( $url, 'wp-content/uploads/' ) && strpos( $url, '/dummy.xtemos.com/' ) ) {
    $url = str_replace( 'https://dummy.xtemos.com/', 'https://woodmart-dummy.b-cdn.net/', $url );

After doing this, go to WoodMart -> Dummy content, remove previously imported dummy content, and import it from scratch. Let me know if it helps.

Kind Regards