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i’m sorry but is not a good respond.

this is a code where is :
div class=”site-logo”>
<div class=”woodmart-logo-wrap<?php if( $has_sticky_logo ) echo ” switch-logo-enable”; ?>”>
” class=”woodmart-logo woodmart-main-logo” rel=”home”>
<?php echo ‘' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . '‘; ?>

<?php if ( $has_sticky_logo ): ?>
$logo_sticky = $protocol . str_replace( array( ‘http://&#8217;, ‘https://&#8217; ), ”, $params[‘sticky_image’][‘url’] );
” class=”woodmart-logo woodmart-sticky-logo” rel=”home”>
<?php echo ‘' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . '‘; ?>

<?php endif ?>

when i follow yoour advice nothing change. Please something, because is important to seo. I jsut want to replace logo by site name, which affect code also.

ther is a add_filter( wp-title) in inc.function which can do it, but dont know to use it.. Please Help me, I think that your theme good , so let beleive, i dont do the bad choice theme