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在woodmart主题中elemento 和 wpbacker设计插件可以同时使用吗

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    在woodmart主题中elemento 和 wpbacker设计插件可以同时使用吗? 这2个插件能够很好的兼容吗?
    因为我担心有的功能只能是elementor 实现,有的功能只能wpbacker 插件才能使用?



    WoodMart is designed to work with either WPBakery or Elementor, but not both simultaneously. You will need to choose one as your primary page builder. Some functionalities may be exclusive to each builder, so it’s best to decide based on your specific design and customization needs.

    Best Regards,



    因为我发现一个网站,首页是用elementor制作的,其它页面 例如折扣页面,是wpbakery制作的,我不知道这个是怎么实现的。 如果可以您可以帮我检查一下如下2个链接的实现方式吗,迫切需要,谢谢您。
    首页的URL(elementor实现): https://www.rosemarydoll.com/
    折扣页面URL(wpbakery实现): https://www.rosemarydoll.com/sex-doll-best-sales/

    是否存在可以在elementor中安装wpbakery的可能性,还是你们是支持的2个同时安装使用的。 能告诉我这个网站是如何做到这一点的吗。 我附加了截图和网页的html代码。 可以从html代码结构上看出是什么页面构建器生成的。

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    Yes, it is technically possible to use both Elementor and WPBakery on the same website, but this approach is not recommended due to potential conflicts, performance issues, and increased complexity in maintenance.
    But the thing is that you cannot use both page builders (Elementor and WPB) on the website at the same time, if you want to have the proper work of the website, you should leave only one page builder.

    Best Regards,

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