Home Forums WoodMart support forum 7.3.0 Updated – Checkout page now one column and ‘long’?

7.3.0 Updated – Checkout page now one column and ‘long’?

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  • #493915


    Hey there, just updated the theme, and now the Checkout page is one long page.

    Normally it’s two columns, Billing is on one side, and the other sections (Your Order list, Shipping, Payment Method, etc) are on the right.

    Now it’s all one long page. Anyone else getting this? I’ve tried in a few browsers (Edge, Chrome, Firefox), same effect.

    Thanks for any advice!


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for contacting us and sorry for the inconvenience. This bug has been fixed in our latest update 7.3.1. Please, update the theme and clear your browser cache. Let us know if it helps.

    Kind Regards



    Theme not showing up on https://www.techguysa.co.za/wp-admin/themes.php

    It is on themeforest and is working.

    Thank you



    Thank you for addressing this so quickly!

    Agree it’s not showing up in the regular WP Admin updates yet, curious how long until it typically pops up?


    Artem Temos


    You just need to click on the “Check again” button in WordPress -> Dashboard -> Updates to see this update in WordPress.

    Kind Regards



    Thanks, updated, and fixed!

    I’ve got another somewhat related question – when I update the Woodmart theme, I always have to do it twice.

    I’ll update the theme, and then it still says there’s an update. I refresh the Appearance-Theme page just to be sure, but it still says there’s an update. I update it a second time, and it’s done. This has happened with the last several updates, any idea why that occurs? Thanks!


    Artem Temos


    After updating the theme, you need to click on the ‘Check again’ button in the WordPress dashboard to refresh the information about all WordPress updates. You don’t need to update the theme twice.

    Kind Regards

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