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_transient_ptk_patterns Autoloaded

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  • #597565


    I’ve noticed this transient line on wp-options table is set to autoload automatically in all pages and this is quite memory consume.

    this transient keeps loading farly 450kb on every page request and that’s quite two times the size of all autoloaded lines I have.

    Despite of turnned off, every update I have, it gets autoload again.

    I gave a quick look on all the info on this line and it seems just default styles and images appearently not related to what I had customized.

    Could you inform the purpose of such heavy transient ? Can I turn it off for good in case not affect any important areas in my case?


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for your message. Our theme doesn’t contain this particular transient (_transient_ptk_patterns). It is not part of WoodMart, so it seems to be generated by a different plugin or custom functionality on your site.

    You can try turning it off or further investigating which plugin or code might be responsible for this. If you find any related themes or issues, feel free to share, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for your confirmation.

    It should be related to Elementor so, as all its content is basically a Woodmart template model that I even don’t use at all.


    Hung Pham

    Hi leojipeiro,

    Keep us in mind for future questions and concerns, we’re always here to help!


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