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A Couple Items

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  • #23468


    I need some help on the following topics.

    1.) How to change brands in footer as well as other areas. (see attached file)
    2.) Is it possible to link sliders to product pages? If so, how.
    3.) How to remove “woodmart” default items. (see attached file)
    4.) How to remove/change drop down menu default items? (see attached file)

    Thank you,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    1. Brands can be edited on the home page with Visual Composer and also it is added to the prefooter area in Theme Settings -> Footer with HTML Block. So you can remove it there or edit in Dashboard -> HTML Blocks.

    2. What sliders are you asking about here?

    3. Everything can be edited with Visual Composer on the home page via Dashboard.

    4. The menu can be changed in Appearance -> Menus. Here is a video tutorial that may help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWUe8wPLG2g&index=6&list=PLMw6W4rAaOgKKv0oexGHzpWBg1imvrval




    That video did not help much to be honest but I appreciate the effort. I was able to change the menu drop down items but now it is only saving a couple category settings for a full width drop down. I go and change all of the menu items to full-width dropdown and only some of them actually save. Not sure if it is a bug or something. As for the sliders question I am just speaking in general. Is it possible to link any slider to a particular product page when clicked on? I am having trouble with removing the WoodMart items and default brands at the bottom of the homepage but I will keep giving it a try for now.



    If I can’t get it maybe you guys can come in a just eliminate the default items that I don’t want?


    Artem Temos

    Do you mean that a part of the menu items are not saved? This may happen because of some server limitation. Try to contact your hosting provider and ask to increase PHP max post size value to be able to save the whole menu data.
    As for the brands carousel, you can change it via HTML Blocks -> Prefooter.



    I was able to change the brands. I used the front end editor which made it a lot easier. As for the menu, I do not think its the PHP post size. All of the content that I placed on the menu is saved properly. The problem is I go and change the drop down size from default to full width (something your instructional video showed) and it only saves those settings for 2 of the menu items. For all of the other menu drop downs, it just goes down vertically which I do not want.



    Also, is it possible or not to link sliders to product pages?


    Artem Temos


    Yes, if the full width option is saved only for 2 items that it is a PHP limit problem

    What do you mean about sliders? Do you want to add links to slides? Here is an article from the plugin documentation that should help you https://www.themepunch.com/faq/how-to-hyperlink-slides-and-layers/




    Perfect, I was able to go and connect the sliders. That was my bad, I missed the link SEO tab.

    I contacted my hosting provider and they said that they can increase my PHP limit but they were wondering what size to increase it to. Is there a way that you can provide an amount that I should increase it to in order to save the menu functions?

    Also, I was testing the “Contact Us” form and I never received an email for the test submission. I tried going into front-end editor but was unable to figure out how to connect my email to it.

    Thank you for the help!


    Artem Temos


    Actually, we are not able to calculate the required post size for your PHP configuration. But try to increase it in two times for example and then test the menu save function.

    Contact forms can be configured in Dashboard -> Contact -> Contact forms.




    Well, I bumped my PHP max post size to 2,560M & it still does not work. Is this a normal amount? It just seems rather large.


    Artem Temos

    Please, provide us your admin access so we can check it.



    Ok See Private content.


    Artem Temos

    We meant your WordPress admin access.



    That is how I log in to my WordPress. I always go through my web hosting provider. I have never logged in directly through WordPress.


    Artem Temos

    OK, please provide us an instruction how can we login your admin panel?



    I am not sure why my last 2 responses have needed to be submitted twice. I post it then it deletes. weird


    Artem Temos

    As we can see from WooCommerce -> System status, PHP limits are still not increased https://gyazo.com/77a47c34faf32c7d0e22d58d1d69d584
    Try to contact your hosting providers for help with this issue.
    As for the contact form, you need to specify your email in the contact form “Mail” settings https://gyazo.com/5ffb6d6cf1d06ac1d89d2c32d75110a7



    I finally got the contact form to connect. But there is an issue when you click the “contact us” button it glitches and the page doesn’t load correctly. You have to refresh the page after it loads to see the whole page. I will keep working on getting the php limit increased. My hosting provider said that it is a issue with woocommerce.


    Artem Temos

    Try to replace the link to the contact page with this http://box5158.temp.domains/~bigdawg5/contact-us/ without anchor #.




    I am not exactly sure what an Anchor is.


    Artem Temos

    Just place this link for your contacts page http://box5158.temp.domains/~bigdawg5/contact-us/



    I am not sure if you are understanding the issue. That link you provided takes you to my contact page. I have the contact page already that is not the issue. The issue is when you click on the “contact us” button located at the bottom of my home page it loads only the bottom half of the page and you have to click refresh to view the entire page.


    Artem Temos


    We have corrected this button link for you. Check how it works now, please.




    Thank you, it works now.

    The issue I have with the menu drop down still has not been corrected. My hosting provider has increased the PHP max post size limit and according to them this function should be no where close to needing more than 64mb for a simple menu option. I am not sure where to do at this point.


    Artem Temos


    Sorry, except post size limit you need to increase PHP max input vars https://gyazo.com/4f9b00292ec5fde5fc815f1dfdd99019



    So I have tried increasing the PHP Max input vars all the way to the max and it still did not change anything. My web hosting provider asked me to ask you what the recommended PHP version should be for your theme. Mine is currently at 7.0.26 they said that sometimes themes will work better on more dated PHP Versions.


    Artem Temos


    Our theme works perfectly with 7th version of the PHP. We checked your System status and see that this parameter is not increased yet https://gyazo.com/f9ee3fa9ffe0340883679897b6281a8e




    I am not sure where you are looking but it is no longer at 1000. That was the default but it has been increased to 6000 and still has no effect.


    Artem Temos

    But if you see 1000 in Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> System status than this parameter is still not increased or increased wrongly.

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