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a problem with the widget

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  • #187540

    [email protected]

    Hello, there is a problem with the widget under the mobile menu, I added a widget with the nearest completion of auctions, not all products are displayed with images, in any other place the widget works fine

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    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Please, check



    As I see this widget relates to the marketplace plugins. This plugin may be not compatible with our theme. Please contact the plugin support.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    See the marked areas for your widgets. In zone number 1, everything is working fine. There is a problem in area No. 2. I think that the market has nothing to do with it. This is a simple WooCommerce auction widget. In all other areas of your theme, the widget works great.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please provide the site admin access as well as FTP to the private area we shall check deeper.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]



    Artem Temos

    Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to fix this

    function woodmart_mobile_menu() {
        $menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
        $location = apply_filters( 'woodmart_main_menu_location', 'main-menu' );
        $menu_link = get_admin_url( null, 'nav-menus.php' );
        $search_args = array();
        $search_form = true;
        $settings = whb_get_settings();
        $toolbar_fields = woodmart_get_opt( 'sticky_toolbar_fields' );
        if( isset( $settings['search'] ) ) {
            $search_args['post_type'] = $settings['search']['post_type'];
            $search_args['ajax'] = $settings['search']['ajax'];
        if( isset( $settings['burger'] ) || in_array( 'mobile', $toolbar_fields ) || in_array( 'search_args', $toolbar_fields ) ) {
            $mobile_categories = isset( $settings['burger']['categories_menu'] ) ? $settings['burger']['categories_menu'] : false;
            $search_form = isset( $settings['burger']['search_form'] ) ? $settings['burger']['search_form'] : true;
            $position = isset( $settings['burger']['position'] ) ? $settings['burger']['position'] : 'left';
            $mobile_categories_menu = ($mobile_categories) ? $settings['burger']['menu_id'] : '';
        } else {
            return '';
        echo '<div class="mobile-nav slide-from-' . esc_attr( $position ) . '">';
            if ( $search_form ) {
                woodmart_search_form( $search_args );
            if( $mobile_categories ) {
                    <div class="mobile-nav-tabs">
                            <li class="mobile-tab-title mobile-pages-title active" data-menu="pages"><span><?php esc_html_e('Menu', 'woodmart'); ?></span></li>
                            <li class="mobile-tab-title mobile-categories-title" data-menu="categories"><span><?php esc_html_e('Categories', 'woodmart'); ?></span></li>
                echo '<div class="mobile-menu-tab mobile-categories-menu">';
                if( ! empty( $mobile_categories_menu ) ) {
                            'menu' => $mobile_categories_menu,
                            'menu_class' => 'site-mobile-menu',
                            'walker' => new WOODMART_Mega_Menu_Walker()
                } else {
                        <span class="create-nav-msg"><?php esc_html_e('Set your categories menu in Theme Settings -> Header -> Menu -> Mobile menu (categories)', 'woodmart'); ?></span>
                echo '</div>';
            echo '<div class="mobile-menu-tab mobile-pages-menu active">';
            if( isset( $menu_locations['mobile-menu'] ) && $menu_locations['mobile-menu'] != 0 ) {
                $location = 'mobile-menu';
            if( has_nav_menu( $location ) ) {
                        'theme_location' => $location,
                        'menu_class' => 'site-mobile-menu',
                        'walker' => new WOODMART_Mega_Menu_Walker()
            } else {
                ?><span class="create-nav-msg">
                            wp_kses( __('Create your first <a href="%s"><strong>navigation menu here</strong></a>', 'woodmart')
                                , array(
                                    'a' => array(
                                        'href' => array()
                        , $menu_link);
            echo '</div>';
        <?php if( is_active_sidebar( 'mobile-menu-widgets' ) ): ?>
            <?php woodmart_lazy_loading_deinit( true ); ?>
            <div class="widgetarea-mobile">
                <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'mobile-menu-widgets' ); ?> 
            <?php woodmart_lazy_loading_init(); ?>
        <?php endif;
        echo '</div><!--END MOBILE-NAV-->';
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'woodmart_mobile_menu', 130 );

    [email protected]

    Great, it works. Thanks. There is another question, I use wcfm and a simple woocommerce auction, all products have “quick view”, “cart” and “compare”. I want only for auction items to replace the “cart” icon with the “gavel” icon, everywhere. The cart icon should be left only for simple and diverse products.


    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but there is no such option in our theme and WooCommerce by default. It may require additional code customization or extra plugin but we don’t have an instruction for this. It is out of our theme support scope.


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