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About brand translation in Wpml

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  • #61560

    Michal Krenek

    Where i can translate this text?



    You have provided the link to the product please advice what would you like to translate? If you want to translate all the page you need to have WPML for that. If you want to replace the text, enter the product editing mode and modify.

    Best Regards


    Michal Krenek

    i done it.. thx


    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Michal Krenek

    No.. i translate different string.
    Standardly i couldnt find about brand string in wpml either in loco.




    About Brand is translated separately: About% and Brand

    Theme settings stipulate option to put a Brand title instead of word “Brand” that is why this phrase is translated separately

    Best Regards

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