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ABOUT OUR FACTORY section of Furniture Home on Mobile

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  • #32423


    I wanted to use the section “ABOUT OUR FACTORY” from your Furniture Home demo. However, after setting it up, I realized that on mobile topic #3 and #4 disappears when a mobile device is used. I just checked out the original demo and saw that it didn’t work for you either. Is there a way to adjust the settings so that this content will not be lost when viewed through a mobile device? I tried changing both columns to “6 columns – 1/2” in mobile, but that only puts sections 1 and 2 in the left half, but nothing in the right half (seemed like a logical approach). Admittedly, I’m still fumbling my way through this editor, but I’m getting a better grasp on this. Any advice is much appreciated.


    Artem Temos


    You need to edit your second column and uncheck the option to hide it on smaller devices. See the example https://gyazo.com/211423ea4927368425254f696ed8773b




    Perfect! Thank you so much… I can’t believe I missed that. I really appreciate the great support!


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome!

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