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about the map and products display

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  • #421446


    Thank you for your patient service.
    Now , I hava 3 problems:
    1. How to delete or hide this date on the image in the blog page?
    1.about our map, it can’t display ,although I added the API and it says”This page could not load the map correctly”,as a result, The front end of the page cannot be displayed
    3.about the product page, I have added the gallery images of all the products before, but now it lost, so the variations of the products can’t display on the page ,when i choose the variation,it only display the first image,others can’t display, how to deal with it?
    Best wishes!



    4. I added three categories, they displayed in two lines,so how to adjust the length,and make them in one line.



    1- The Blog Date from the Single Blog Post page is now also hidden on your Site.

    2- Sorry to say but please once confirm if the Google Map API that you are using for the Map is correctly generated or the correct one you are using on your Site because as we are using the default Testing Google Map API on your Site, it is showing the default Development Purpose Map correctly: https://ibb.co/tmNkkxH

    3- The additional Variation Images right now weren’t uploaded. So, we try to upload for one of the Variations that you have shown in the Image and the Images were then showing fine: https://ibb.co/rmhSv3b

    So, we can’t be sure about the Images being lost but there might be a threshold issue in this regard on your Site. You can increase the AJAX variation threshold under the Dashboard > Theme Settings > Shop > Variable Products > Variations Images > AJAX variation threshold > there you can increase the threshold: https://ibb.co/f2h5Y80

    4- Actually, for the Main Menu you hadn’t toggle on the option of Display Inline that can be found under the WoodMart > Header Builder > Main Menu > which we have now enabled and it appears in one line: https://ibb.co/LYHb8jQ

    For the Page Title Categories adjustment in one line, it has now been adjusted with the help of Custom CSS applied on your Site: https://ibb.co/ZWmfnK5

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing browser and server cache.

    Best Regards

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